Reset App
Reset App is a guided journaling tool designed to help users reduce stress and anxiety through consistent reflection and thought restructuring. In just five minutes a day, users can vent their anxious thoughts, have them analyzed for underlying sources and flawed thinking, and rewrite healthier perspectives based on insights gained. Over time, this practice aims to rewire thinking patterns, fostering lasting change. The tool also allows users to track their progress, reinforcing the impact of small, consistent habits. Grounded in research, Reset provides a structured approach to building mental resilience and improving emotional well-being over an 11-week period.
🚩 WARNING: This tool has been flagged for either trying to game the upvote system, poor customer reviews, or shady practices! Please be aware and use this tool with caution. It is currently under review! Upvoting has been turned off for this tool until we've come to a conclusion.